
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Do You See What I See?


The Rabbit Cloud Summer 2009 Lakewood, Colorado

The above is amazing as some (only a few) know about a story I wrote about a "Fuzzy Little Bunny" that was a children's story about a rabbit who was afraid of leaving the rabbit hole because of "what ifs".  Well, as we were at one of my favorite parks of many in Lakewood, CO, we were shocked to look up and see a cloud that looked very much like a rabbit.  As I showed friends in Colorado, they agreed and could see it clearly themselves.  Not only that but a couple said it even looks like a hand on the left coming down to pet the rabbit.  If any of you remember the ending of that story, you will know why this very moment, this cloud was kind of an irony to my life and that story I wrote before we left.  It was very beautiful and with an artistic mind as my own and others, we found it very moving as well.  Clouds in Colorado often do very amazing formations and that is one of the first things I noticed when I moved there verses when I simply vacationed there.  Since the clouds form and reform so quickly, have your camera ready at all times!!!!!  This rabbit lasted about 15 minutes tops before it disappeared into a cloudy fluff of another shape from the Rocky Mountain breezes.

Night Crowned Heron The Mystery Bird
So the first time I saw this beautiful fellow was at another favorite park, and I saw him early in the morning and had no clue what he was.  A couple of friendly joggers that stopped didn't know what he was either.  But stunning bird.  And the first of many many many we saw in Lakewood, Colorado and surrounding areas.


Same Lake, Same Sunrise March 2010

January 2009 Denver, CO.

Cheesecake in Boulder is BETTER.

I thought this reflection was cool.  This was taken in July of 2009 when family was in for a visit in Boulder, Colorado.  A gorgeous town with some very famous landmarks and news lines.  One is Mork and Mindy's house is in Boulder and I have photos of that I will show sometime, along with some of the opening credits scenery.  Boulder is the name many movies use for travel yet often incorrectly.  And Boulder is the location of Jon Bennet Ramsey case.  Boulder is reminiscent of sort of a Rockwell feel to it.  Large green trees, adorable homes with the mountains in the background.  They have a cute as heck mall court where you can eat outside no matter where you go and shop outside as well as see some community theater at the mall from the Colorado University College.  It is lovely, however I don't believe I would live there because of the expense and I couldn't afford it.  But I love visiting.

After a recent sunrise morning May 2009 Lakewood, CO.

The fog is coming off the lake and the sun had just risen, the geese were just getting their breakfast.  And have no problem with humans being there - in fact, they may come up and see if you have anything special to offer them for breakfast.  :)

June 2009, The Rocky Mountains towards Evergreen, CO.

On a day trip only 20 minutes from home between Morrison and Evergreen Colorado - literally these places took my breath away.  When I say literally, I mean literally.  I would often find myself slightly breathing off just from the awe and excitement of the beauty.  Many claim elevation was it, but no, it was pure excitement.  I really get taken in in those mountains.  They are so much more beautiful in real life than in a picture.

Mork and Mindy's House March 2009 Boulder, CO.

No, they don't live here.  No they didn't film here.  But this is the house in the opening credits that Mork and Mindy "lived" in during the run of Mork and Mindy.  Apparently it was also used in a later season of "Perfect Strangers" when the two got married and moved into a home.  The man that allowed us to take pictures of his home was trimming his garden and seemed to have answered the question of "Is this Mork and Mindy's House?" a thousand times before.  He was kind enough to allow me to photograph it.  It is darling and watching old clips of Mork and Mindy, I can see the fence changed and some of the trimming but you can certainly see it is the house for sure.  I would love to live there because of its charm alone, but again, Boulder is incredibly pricey and I would never be able to afford it.

My favorite Sunday Garden June 2009 Lakewood, CO.

I walked through this garden almost every Sunday that I had a chance - it is very very tiny so easy to walk with a bad knee and yet STILL see the gorgeous colors and flowers and butterflies and bees.  This was one of my favorite pictures of many that I took in that small garden in Lakewood, CO.

White Fence Farm Lakewood, CO 2009 August
This is a darling restaurant that has a little bit of everything with a country charm that reminded me of "home".  It has horse drawn carriage rides, a pond as you see here with a bridge and a petting zoo, dancing is available on weekends with some live music and shops and funny mirrors and the best fish served in Colorado for sure.

That is all for now.  Many more to come.  I hope you are enjoying some of these pictorial vacations.  I hope that your Friday is fantastic and that you know you are loved no matter who you are or where you are or what your circumstances are, you are loved.

Lakewood, CO May 2009 Smith Resevoir