
Thursday, April 14, 2011

I absolutely can not wait: The Stanley Hotel

This hotel is my favorite in the entire world.  I actually have a favorite hotel.  That seems impossible but it is a favorite of many including the very talented and famous writer Steven King.  This is where he stayed and had *according to the stanley employee we spoke with* an encounter - as legend has it, with some sort of ghosts.  However, Steven *off the record* claimed them to be friendly and harmless, but that it was the inspiration he got to rebuild a story about the infamous novel "The Shining" in regards to very evil spirit(s).  This bone chilling novel was written all based upon the imagery and surroundings of the Stanley Hotel.  Many often mistake this hotel as the place where the Jack Nicholson version was actually FILMED.  That is incorrect.  It was born here in theory and in story and written based on this location - but the actual filming was done in Canada at another hotel a bit more spooky than the Stanley in looks.  However, the more recent remake of "The Shining" WAS filmed at The Stanley Hotel.  As well as "Dumb and Dumber" and several ghost hunting television shows such as "Ghost Hunters" and "America's Most Haunted".

This Hotel is said to be haunted and people from all over go to stay the weekend or night and see if they can capture some sort of spirit or ghost.

The story of  Mr. Stanley is that he had made a motor car that everyone told him would never make it into the high elevation of Estes Park, (before it was named Estes Park) but his car not only made it but it was so beautiful he had built The Stanley Hotel.  The miracle in this tale is Mr. Stanley had TB, and was given a short time to live.  Again, legend has it that the dry climate and higher elevation CURED him of TB.  The doctors could come up with no other explanation so they assumed that was it.  Mr. Stanley was considered a ladie's man and it was rumored that he would entertain many ladies there.

The green motor car is inside the Stanley Hotel and is absolutely beautiful.  This hotel is nothing short of absolute perfection in design.  It is so rich and nestled so perfectly in the Rocky Mountains, that I think I could honestly live there in that hotel for the rest of my life.  The scenery surrounding this hotel is breath-taking.  Please enjoy your virtual vacation through my personal favorite hotel that I couldn't afford to stay at but I got to visit.  Note that the basement is basically a museum of artifacts regarding the movies and tv shows filmed there as well as memorabilia regarding a very legendary man with a dream to do what he wanted and did it against the odds that he would survive accomplishing it.  Perhaps that is what attracts me to the hotel as well.  The spirit that exists inside of it - not in the ghostly sense, but the inspirational sense of a man who made a dream happen when others told him his dreams could never come true.

"Race ya to the top!" Jim Carrey Dumb and Dumber