
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Photoblog 3 (I think?) Kind of been lagging on the blogs.

Here ya go again for some more photocations.  With my blogs, you don't have to leave or pay for gas to get away from it all.  Haha.  Enjoy!  Sending my love as always.  This one is themed on animals in Colorado.  

This seagull spread his wings and swam.  Don't knock it till ya tried it.

I love love love prairie dogs.  LOL, Coloradans would chuckle that I thought they were so cute, to them it was like someone looking at a gray squirrel here and taking pictures and going "Awww."  These guys were new to me.  And soooo cute.

These baby geese were born and grew up within a matter of weeks.  It was unbelievable.  Very bold, would already know to walk right up to humans for handouts.

So this is a bit of a funny story - as my love for Colorado, wildlife, and photography got the best of my common sense and I hopped out of the car and ran down the hill to take pictures of wild elk.  I didn't think they were dangerous - because I am used to Lone Elk.  But as I heard and learned after the fact, the wild ones can be pretty nasty if frightened.  Oh well.  Got my picture!

This goat is from white fence farm - what is funny is he is using his horn to scratch his back.  What a smart goat!

This mule deer was strolling down the road in Colorado Springs the first week we returned to Colorado, as if he was running errands.  They are bold.  Not like white tails, they will do what they want, when they want to.  lol.  Pretty cool deer.

Yup, the Pelicans are wild in Colorado and near impossible to photograph.  Unlike geese and ducks, these birds do not cooperate with photographers.  In fact, they will have nothing to do with humans.
The Denver Zoo on my birthday April 29th, 2009
Told you we had a lot of seagulls.

This is so sweet.  I believe this was spring of 2009 when this duck was so cozy and comfy  and just fell fast asleep near the flowers in the pond.  I watched her nap and she looked so happy and content and peaceful.  Gotta love those ducks.

 The last one is my sweet sweet Sally.  Sweet Dreams wherever you are!