
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Photoblog April 23, 2011 (Rocky Mountains in Colorado)

Boulder, CO.

Golden, CO *The Old Western Gold Mining Town*

Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, CO.
Mt. Morrison sprinkled with snow in Lakewood, CO.

Columbine Park in Littleton, CO.

Heading to Evergreen in Mountains roughly the 7,000s in elevation.

Boulder, CO.

Heading to Evergreen, for perspective: note size of suvs next to mountains.

Rocky Mountains in CO.

Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO.

Mt. Morrison with Red Rocks and Red Rocks Ampitheater below.

Pikes Peak - the mountain that inspired the song, "America the Beautiful".

Snow Clouds over Mt. Morrison

 Forgive More, Be Forgiven.  Love More, Be Loved, Give More, Be Given, and believe God can do anything for you, and he will do it!

Love you all.  Happy Holy Week!

If you woke up breathing, God still has work for you to do.  Keep smiling and keep loving others and praying for those who wrong you.  Keep faith because without it, you lose everything in the end.  But with faith, you gain so much more than you ever imagined!